
Friday, March 16, 2012


Can I just admit to EVERYONE I dislike the editing process.  It makes the book so much better and trust me every book needs to be edited.  But the process is so lengthy and time consuming!  I find myself wanting to finish Moonspell; but hello I need to finish editing Stardust first!  I honestly can't believe that I released Stardust without the editing process.  I was seriously a clueless indi author.  The editing process has only made the book better but unfortunately for my readers who have already read the book they have missed out on some excellent changes.  As I said before Amazon should be sending out an email offering a free download to everyone who has previously purchased the book.  It's definitely worth reading again.  The book has taken on a life of it's own all because of my wonderful editor Chris Johnson.  He's truly a jewel to put up with me and his editing is flawless.

I took the picture of the VW on our ranch in Northern Utah around the beginning of March.  I have a couple other shots in different directions one of which I plan on using for an upcoming book.

Happy Spring Everyone!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Cover for Moonspell

I'm very excited to release the cover for Moonspell. The second book in the Power of Three trilogy. The very talented VM0572 created the picture and I for one am very pleased! I'm hoping to release Moonspell in May or June 2012. I truly believe that everyone that loved Stardust will fall in love with Trinity all over again. Her journey is far from over. It's only just begun! The Power of Three trilogy will consist of three books. I've never been one for dragging my readers through seven monotonous books that end up containing fillers that go nowhere. Moonspell will introduce you to the characters that didn't get much action during Stardust. It will also introduce a couple new characters. I have to be honest. Even I don't know how the final and third book is going to end.

I'm also currently working on a book I plan on calling "a boy named Brandon."  I've only just started but already the heartwrenching tragedy has blossomed into a life of it's own.  The book, based on actual events, takes you through the stages of young love and a brilliant future.  I'ts full of laughter, love, achievements, tragedy, and the heartwarming hope of forgiveness.

God Bless, may your day be full of happiness and love. As always please pay it forward. You never know how much a little bit of kindness can brighten a strangers day.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wild Horses

Wild Horses is now available for the Kindle and Nook!  The paperback should be released within two weeks.  I feel very blessed to have had such a grand year in 2011.  I accomplished one of my many dreams of becoming a published author of not one but TWO books.  Seriously I never would have thought it was possible.  My son accomplished his dream of joining the Army.  Which I pray everyday it's something he continues to enjoy.  I was promoted from my current position at my place of employment to sales, which has it's own office with an amazing view of the Wasatch Mountain Range.  I couldn't have done any of this without the mighty man upstairs.  He has truly smiled down on me this year and for that I am eternally grateful.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Your Dream...

I have had a very exciting week!  I was featured in the local newspaper for Stardust and Wild Horses.  The article was very well written, and I would like to say thank you to Jessica Tanner for writing it.  Stardust is still steadily selling.  I sell a little over thirty books a day on Amazon.  Thank you to everyone who has supported me in my dream of becoming a published author. 

Every step takes you further from where you were.  Step toward your dreams and dream big!  If you have a dream, you have a goal.  You need only to reach out and grasp it.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Childhood Dreaming...

As a child I would lie awake at night making (bucket lists) of items that I would dream of doing as an adult.  My passion then as is now was writing.  I attempted to write my first novel when I was only twelve.  As a much younger child I would be the student in the classroom clapping excitedly when our teacher requested a two page essay.  As a student in college my mouth watered at the thought of a twenty page essay for my intermediate college class.  (BUT) all these childhood dreams were put on the side burner when I entered the work force.  Family always came first, cooking, cleaning, working a full time job.  I had put my dreams aside living my day to day life.  My younger sister came over one evening two years ago as I was cooking dinner and we began reminiscing about our childhood.  She quickly poked fun of me remembering the times my mom would search the house over only to find me in my bedroom closet with a flashlight reading one of the many childhood books I had come to love.  We finished laughing when she looked at me seriously and questioned why I had never sat down and wrote a full novel.  Her simple question got me thinking, and a week later I realized I was still pondering my answer.  On a quiet fall evening when the house was quiet (which rarely happens) I turned on my laptop and began pecking away at the keyboard.  What I wrote was the beginning of the first chapter of Stardust, it was also the beginning of a new chapter in my life where I realized childhood dreams should never be forgotten.  With Stardust currently rated as #88 on Amazons category, Fantasy, Futuristic & Ghost I find myself astonished, without words to describe this unbelievable happiness bubbling up inside of me.  It's an accomplishment unlike no other, and for the first time in my life I can look in the mirror and be proud of the reflection staring back at me. 

Daily picture was taken in Logan Canyon 10/28/11 when the leaves were crisp and the scent of fall was hanging  heavy in the air.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Well I guess it's considered a good day when you receive a raise!  (BUT) it's an even better day when you wake up and realize that you sold twelve books overnight.  IF I HAVEN'T SAID IT BEFORE I LOVE ALL MY READERS!  My dream was always and still is to write and have someone other than my family enjoy it.  Speaking of family I am the lucky bonus mom of four wonderful kids.  I don't speak much about them as they like to keep their life private, but I love every single one of them.  When I married their father I considered it a bonus that he already had children and I already had two of my own.  So with his, mine and ours we are lucky enough to have seven children.  It's been a tough road, and not all doors that have opened have been easy, but I wouldn't trade my family for anything.  I love all seven kids and am very proud of their accomplishments.  I know that some days are harder than others and it's hard to be apart but Chris, Jessie, McKenzie and Nick I do love you.

My daily pic is a picture I took of my youngest son for Halloween.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bucket List..

Well I officially turned 35 on Monday!  I woke up and tried to decide whether or not I should face the world, and then I realized WAIT!  It's a great day to be alive.  I published my first book last month with my second due out in December.  I have accomplished one of the many items on my bucket list.  So with that in mind I quickly jumped on the computer to check my rating on Amazon and was quite thrilled to realize I had sold ten book during the night.  I know, I know, you're thinking ten books, but hey, it's ten more people out in this huge world journeying down the path of Trinity and Blake.  I lived with these characters in my head for years, so it's thrilling to know that they come alive every time one of my readers opens the book.  So, thank you EVERYONE who has taken a chance and purchased Stardust.  If it wasn't for you I couldn't have accomplished one of my many dreams. 

I took the daily pic last week during a time when the mountains were alive with the color of fall.